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Monday, February 27, 2006

FINALLY!!! my maple character reached lv 30!! OMG! haha so happy~ 2nd job advancement..i became an official bandit.

today in sch super slack..from 815 to 945 went for econs lecture, 945 to 1030 phy lecture..then break from 1030 to 1115..ate guava :P then 1115 to 1200..suppose to haf econs tutorial but me n pris pon..then stayed in the canteen with pearlin, andrew n jiahao(they having break). then from 1200 to 1245 my break again..pearlin they all should be having econs..but they pon we sat in the canteen n talked bot ghost stories + lame jokes..1245 to 1330, chem lecture for me n pris, break for pearlin. me n pris pon again..then from 1330 to 1415 pearlin pon chi..then 1415 to 1545 GP tutorial, all pon go home. slackers.

but dont blame me la..cause my class left so little ppl..from 30+ now become 6..but the 3 always pon in the end left 3(me,pris n ivan) attending sian lo..might as well dont go..somemore monday n tue lesson very boring i thik tml i not going to sch..haha..

discovered that most MI teachers are pretty. esp chan pei chen, ahha but too bad she not my chem teacher. now no more shuai ge(S16 guy withdraw le) to see le then see pretty de..haha! i thik she looks like minie mouse..but then pris say she looked more like tweety bird. aniway she is cute la

today damn nose bled twice..but its not those tat will flows la..just sort of stuck in my nose? dono how to say,but quite bloody. last time my nose will bleed constantly de..sec 2..dono from when everyday nose will bleed once..then is those no warning will flow like hell de.. haha once i was studying for was on the spectrum thing..then i sneezed while having a bloody nose..n all the blood splattered onto the spectrum diagram..haha cool huh? lol dono my tb passed to who lucky person who got my tb can see more then the boring spectrum.

finally, jacqueline from star idol out le! omg sadded. pearlin n carmen support chengxi, xueli pris n huiling support bryan. oh man, all no taste sia. haha no offence... so yucky, all i support one out.

wa today so many things to write, rare. well, no more le.bye

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

watched The Fog yesterday at orchard with pearlin,pricilla,chethong,john,snoopy,joel,andrew,jiahao..

hrum..not that scary..more of thriller..the sound blast too loud..capped my ears instead of my eyes, should haf watched it at princess..i love princess :)

but nvm..cause that S16 shuai guy also went there..haha but i still dono his sch yet..he went with his guy frds..but then i saw him walking alone(without his guy frds!!)with a PLMGS girl!!sadded.

pon sch pe..i dont want to go..saw what they n jump..yucks. i hate doing jumping jacks..pointless stuff..

surfing tru frdster now..saw that many ppl bought their orientation photos..haik i didnt..maybe i shld for a memory?..but i cant rem them y bother.

waking up so early n not having sch is a blessing..nice n one bothering me..omg..i love mornings. i love pasir ris. haha

haik pearlin is moving soon..sadded..why? haik finally rem how to get to her house n she haf to move..pasir ris so nice..haik her father so weird.

later at nite i haf to work as umpire..hope it is some kids i dont want ppl of my paiseh.

Friday, February 17, 2006

erm..busy mood to blog..

yesterday went back to sch..soo many ppl got gd results..sadded..

i went for my chi lesson...haha n i was the only student who went for so i talked with the teacher bot studies n stuff..

maple patching..why??why now? i want to level up

didnt go sch today..pon sch..i want to suport my juniors..hope they will win dhs..i hope the c girls will also get into nationals..

yesterday i went mj n train with carmen n i like playing match with huiting..then because of carmen..i went for their PT..need to run..haha carmen no 2 rounds tired le

well nth much..bye