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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Went Mayday concert in KL last week. It was awesome beyond words!!
Special thanks to Sock for accompanying me and SP for hosting/guiding us around!!
So thankful and blessed to have them both around me. They are much like guardian angels.

Times in October has widen my scope of things. I'm far more clear sighted now and there is no doubt about my decision to things.  For the time being I will lie low and conserve energy. There is no point in a pointless fight. My worth will not be diminished. 

October shall be my stepping stone into life. My training is completed and I must harden my emotions and walk into the new world.

Now I am to embark on my short term goals which will slowly map out to be in line with my long term goals. 

Life is too short to waste it in a place where there is no appreciation for your work.
The longer I stay, the smaller my world becomes.