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Saturday, June 18, 2022

Today is the first day I "slacked" from badminton. I should actually be going for 3 sessions today but I only went for 1 session in the morning. I was just not feeling that well physically plus my shoes kinda got ripped.

I was suppose to go to a friend's house too but I got so sleepy and tired at home that I skipped that out too. 

So today feels unaccomplished.

I will think of it as taking a short break and then going all out again from next week.

Also, Tuesday coach complimented me in front of the crowd. He said I improved tremendously, especially my backhand. I was glad that all my hard work is finally showing some fruit.

On a side note, I have managed to sell most of my keyboards and I am now left with a healthy 7. Aiming to sell 2 more so I will end up with a comfortable 5.

Ok, back to "work".

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

It is June now. I would like to say time flies but I was living every moment since the start of the year so this incoming June was not surprising. 

I was pressured to complete many mini tasks that I set for myself in this year. So the year started with clear goals.

There is nothing much in my life that is different from 1-2 months ago. It is either going to the office for work or going to the courts for badminton. 

But there are some subtle changes that I noticed. My body is changing, it is getting fitter. Of course this is the outcome as I have been playing badminton 3-4 sessions weekly which is around 12 hours of exercise in total.

In my 3 year "Change" plan:

2020 - Focus on losing weight

2021 - Focus on exercising

2022 - Focus on fixing good habits

So when 2023 comes, I will become a more perfect version of myself vs when I was in 2020. I intend to challenge myself and strive to become even more perfect as I get older. The diet, exercise and habits change not just a 3 year plan, it is a life plan. 

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that it is June now. It is time to shift to a higher gear and become even more productive.