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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I am using a Ducky One 2 Mini with brown Cherry switch for this post. I got it from Craglist at 8000yen. So far it feels good but I really do not like the fact that there is no dedicated arrow keys. There are ways to configure the board to make it happen and I have tried and failed. It could be that the board is not yet fully compatible with MacBook.

The typing feel is indeed very nice. I like how silent it is and it has a little tactile feel which is nice. Personally, I prefer either red or browns. Not so much blues as those are kinda noisy but I still do like to type on them. I guess I love keyboards in general and I think it will be hard to decide on which I really like. Maybe I don't love the keyboard so much as loving to type. Before I was into this mechanical craze, I was actually enjoying typing on my MacBook Air. So yes, I do think that I love TYPING. The keyboard just adds pleasure to the typing process.

Or maybe I just like to press buttons. I do like to press public phone buttons when I see them. Yes, maybe I just like to press buttons and typing is just one of the process that is in line with my love.

Oh well, it does not matter. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

It is a nasty feeling to be scammed. Your heart starts to beat faster and your face is getting warmer. And your brain is racing all these time, rewinding and forwarding, counting the losses.

Then you take a deep breath and try to dampen the feeling of nausea. 

On the positive side, I take it as a learning point. It is like paying school fees, paying to be slapped so you can prevent from ever being slapped again.

On the negative side, deep in my heart there is a curse written out. Written in the darkest black, hoping that my words be read by the gods...or demons. And that karma will strike.