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Sunday, October 28, 2012

I found my love.
All these times I've shopped and tested but nothing captures my heart.
I'll always go home feeling empty.

It fits perfectly to what I've always been looking for!
Fender Standard Telecaster..MIJ!
I wanted so much to bring it home straight!
My heart was sold but my rationality stopped me.

How could I be a owner of that beauty?
I'm not confident that I'll take care of it well and I think I'm not worthy enough of it yet.
Also, I should be investing more in acoustic rather then getting an electric.

But I know I'll never buy another electric guitar again.
Should I invest in that and live with it forever?
Or should I just get a cheap one first so that I can get to play electric more and understand the mechanisms behind it?
I'm such a noob...I will destroy that telecaster and put it to waste.

That night before I slept, I've decided to buy a Squier bullet Strat a price of $199.
But I still can't stop thinking about that telecaster!
I feel so troubled now! :(

Friday, October 19, 2012

Exasperated one may be when trying to get an understanding, one must try to understand where the person is coming from.
This is to better facilitate the understanding between both parties.
I hope when I'm describing something to someone, or trying to get them to understand where my view is coming from, I don't sound too offensive.
I like a nice approach to learning and hopefully I can control my tone well.
Hate to think that I'm being rude to anyone.

Never would I think that I may dislike someone from work.
But I may have just found my no.1 undesirable. 
I secretly hope I have no further association with that individual.

I realise that when I'm angry or upset, my emotions don't sustain for that long.
There will still be reservation but a nice gesture or so will greatly eliminate the hostility. 

I'm too justified.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


After waiting for 6 freaking weeks...
After receiving a suspicious sms stating approval of credit line...
After receiving the silent treatment from bank...
After calling bank to inquire about my status...
After being on hold for a long while...
After providing my details...
I got rejected!
What the shit!

However credible it may seem that the banks are concerned about our credit well being, they aren't.
Ever since I started studying Banking and Finance, I've stopped trying to believe in any goodness.
Ever since going for interviews relating to that sector, I've stopped believing in any goodness at all.

People are funny creatures.
We want freedom but we chain ourselves in so many way.
We say we want money, but we don't even know what for.
We eat medication, without even knowing if they helped.
We are bored but we don't even know why.
I'm typing all of these and yet I see no purpose in it.

On a side note, I can't seem to spell Feburary right.

"Words are funny things. The more you look at them the more unfamiliar they become."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

After work hours = Sleep.

Just today, I realised that all that I ever wanted to do after work was to sleep.
Which is no good at all and so I'm surfing the net now to get some social life back.

No worries, I will balance my life out well.
No problem at all.

Work is fine I guess.
2 days ago, I was feeling rather exasperated with a tinge of anxiety.
When things on my side are so clear and so muddy on the other, it bothers me quite a bit.
But because of this incident, my understanding becomes so clear and my reasoning is ever more perfected.
I always believe that all things happen for a reason and that good and bad things will bring me somewhere great.

Had a quarterly review with boss today.
Boss said something I didn't quite have the sight for.
"...move to a bank..."
For some reason, that kinda scared me because I've not foreseen that at all.
It made me suddenly thoughtful about my own future and reminded me once again that my vision is still cloudy.
Of course I know what I want, but what I chased after is something quite unrealistic.
On the realistic note, what I will be given is something that may trap me into my own life.

But in any case, even if I do wish to stay in my present job, I can't.
However, that path is still up to me to take it, so my future remains unclear.
I do anticipate having my own empire, but then I'm rather afraid I'll be treated too well by my blood kins. 
But morally, I won't like it if I don't take it over.

Oh yeah, I had to remind myself this.
I had a really great birthday week!!
It was so great to meet up with old friends, however idiotic they were.
Highlight of the week - meeting my buddies from Korea Summer trip!
I had a really great time and the endorphins flowed through the week.
Maybe that was the reason why I'm so ultra super tired this week.

Yes, I should go wash up and have my dinner.
Poor sis is still in office rushing her report.
Just like an everlasting gobstopper, her report never ends.