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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

There are certain days that you just don't feel well. Like when you looked into the mirror and you see a spiritless you.

You feel dejected and you try to burn some hope out. Try to appreciate the things and people around you. You end up feeling tired the whole day and losing all possible drive in life. 

Today was such a day, I end up wasting time watching endless short videos on INS. Losing both time and value.

Recently I lost motivation for both work and badminton. Somehow today I felt motivated in badminton. Hopefully I will feel motivated to work again.

I was about to complain about the lack of meaning in life but I saw a video just now about a disabled lady. And I feel ashamed to have these thoughts. 

Why am I complaining when there are others in life who got it so much worse.  I am not qualified to even complain.

I am not qualified.