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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Long time no see bloggie!

Many stuff happened this month, both happy and sad.
I got so depressed to a point where I just couldn't do anything properly. But of course, being me, I would never want others to see the weak side of me. So I doubt anyone actually noticed..

It was headache all the time and I felt to weak. Sometimes I just feel like crying, especially when I am bathing. It is good to cry while you are bathing, cause nobody will hear or notice anything. Most of the time I got angry too, but I just stayed silent. I figured that whatever I said makes no difference and I was really too tired to even try communicating.

Anyway, I am a strong person. I don't keep whining or being a loser. Some other people are just so weak. They are depressed all the time and for no freaking good reason (my brother). I have my own reason to be sad about, its something that lives deep in my heart. But of course, I don't think anyone would or can understand my thoughts.

If its my own issues and I will try my hardest to solve it myself.
I freaking hate it when others don't help themselves even when there are so many people around you trying to help.

Anyway, IVP was over. Let me summaries the matches:
8Jan, vs SP (Won)
12Jan vs NYP (Won)
14Jan vs NUS (Lost)
19Jan vs NTU (Lost)
20Jan vs TP (Won)
Overall result: 3rd

I realised something, characters don't change. The only thing that changes in a person is his or her attitude.
So don't fret when someone doesn't want to take your advice.
It is not your fault at all.

Happy end of January. Time FLIES man.
Oh and I am loving Left 4 Dead 2, killed countless zombies with my friends and siblings.
I want to overcome THAT bridge.