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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Yoz everyone. I am finally ready to blog about my Beijing trip 2008..

[20.12.08] Day 1 - Singapore to Beijing

Checked in at about 8-10am. My first check in from Terminal 3. The new passport checking system is so awesome! It's just like taking the train..scan passport, scan thumbprint and then you can proceed. Saved up lots of time for me, cause my passport photo is ME IN P4/5. It will take longer for them to check..
Reached Beijing Airport: 2.40pm, there is no time difference as reported by the captain.
Temperature: zero degrees :X
Watched KungFu Panda and played WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE on the plane..gosh it's very fun!

Tour guide thought I was 12 years old. :( I really shouldn't have gotten that haircut. OH, no wonder nobody question me about my passport..cause I think I look like myself when I was in P4! :( :(
Btw, Beijing is 27 times bigger than Singapore.

Watched acrobatics at 电影城. Quite nice.. Temperature is about -3 outside. It's even cold inside..Waiting for the show to weak brother is cold and sleepy.during the performances some gals dropped the plates. I think its too cold to perform
Dinner time!!:)After dinner shot, time for the hotel!!
The hotel is great! Very big and the weighting scale is spoilt(which is even better!)..I was 104kg. Tour guide said that temperature will be below zero again tomorrow.

[21.12.08] Day 2 - 天安门广场, Forbidden City

It's 6.53am in the morning. AND OMG. IT IS SUPER DUPER COLD..the winds are petrifying my face..I cannot move my facial features. I nearly died. If you cannot imagine the coldness..please stand directly in front of the aircon, change the temperature to about -10degrees and switch the wind speed to full blast. Oh and stand there for about an hour.
The point of waking up so early is because of the flag raising ceremony. Even though it is super cold, there are still tones of ppl there.

After that, we hid in the underpass. Look at our faces!! Look at our noses!! It is super cold I tell you.

After this, we walked all the way from the underpass to forbidden city.

Mao ZeDongOn our way into the Forbidden City
My mom and dad's cheapo couple wear.Taking a break and absorbing warmth under the sun rays.
In the garden of forbidden you can see, there is nth much to see.
Frozen lake outside the forbidden cityErm, I am not really sure where this place is.
The place where the emperor prayedThe wind is too strong!!

The tour guide told us something, that the buildings of Beijing are not the usual skyscrapers you see in Shanghai or in any other urban cities. This is because it would be unflattering if there are towers of buildings near the forbidden city or near any other historical buildings. I think it's great that the government thought of that. Anyway the whole place is truly amazing, with wonderful scenery too. Too bad we only managed to view like less than 5% of the forbidden city..cause it was really tooo tooo cold to stay any longer. Oh and it was reported as the coldest day in Beijing since a decade or 2 ago. My tour guide was saying that she has also never felt this cold in Beijing before.

Took trishaw ride at some place after our lunch.
The very nice tishaw guy offered to help us take a photo. During the ride, he will mention some significant things about the place, but half the time I couldn't understand what he was trying to say due to his strong accent. :(

Dinner! Beijing Duck! YUMMY!
Chief cutting the crispy duck!

Back to hotel after dinner.Temperature is -12 degrees. I can't stop shivering, I am afraid that my toes are turning black..
Beijing turns dark around 5-6pm, early huh?

to be continued...