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Sunday, March 26, 2023

19 Dec 2022 (Monday)

WC 2022

The world cup, or rather the Messi cup ended yesterday. It was such an exciting final, the most exciting one I have ever watched. I was not a supporter of either Argentina or France. It was more of just wanting to know who is the ultimate winner and that I do enjoy watching the WC. 

When Argentina was at a 2:0 lead, I started to feel like this would just end like any other WC. It will end in the most boring manner, with France not in form and Argentina getting lucky. But then it went into 2:2 and then extra time and oh boy, was it intense! When Messi scored the goal during extra time putting the score to 3:2, I was thinking this would make a nice ending - with him being the golden boot and winning the WC. So I started to root for Argentina and prayed that France’s attack will be blocked. So actually, only from this point on I somehow started to become a supporter of Argentina. 

Well in any case, as we all know now, the matched dragged to 3:3 and ended with penalty kicks in favor of Argentina. Match stared 11pm and ended around 3am SG time including the award ceremony.  I was severely lacking in sleep yesterday but this match was totally worth giving up sleep for. 

Somehow I felt a weird feeling after Argentina won the cup. I mean, I was happy that Messi finally won the cup and I’m sure most people feel that way too. But it was just too good of a story, like it was scripted and feels too much like a fairytale. It felt like Messi’s story was already “written” out when he was born. It is such excellent material for future movies/dramas. I am pretty sure people down the years will still be talking about this match, going like “Ah yes, I was watching it live on the TV/Stadium!”.

So yeah, this was pretty much the best WC I have ever watched and I hope future WCs will be this exciting as well. To conclude, with Argentina/Messi winning this year’s cup, it just means that you can have a fairytale ending when the world is on your side.

22 Dec 2022 (Wednesday)

Customs of torture

I experienced the most hellish custom clearance to and from JB yesterday. It was so bad that it somehow kinda made us think that we should never even try going JB again. Of course this will never happen as JB is still very attractive to Singaporeans.

So let me pen down all the shit that happened yesterday (in point form as I don’t have the energy to write an essay on it).

  1. We missed bus 39 and had to wait 15mins for another one.
  2. Took bus 170 and it was stuck in traffic 30-45 mins. We were think there should be some accident or so but in the end it was just a truckload of heavy vehicles traveling. 
  3. Arrived in customs and cleared SG customs fast (always no issue with SG side). And finally arrived in JB customs and omg the queue was so long until we had to queue up to start queuing. 
  4. In the end we were stuck in the customs (death spiral lane I call it) for about 4 hours. We were stuck in the line for so long as there was so many people and 4 lines converges to two counters. And bloody one counter in our lane closed at 330pm where the person just left as his shift was up and the replacement staff went and started new lane at the other side at 4pm. So now our pathetic one counter will serve 4 lines, how ridiculous is this. This was just extremely frustrating to me. The inefficiency of the Malaysian customs office is just outstanding.
  5. We arrived in JB 430pm and went straight for food. After eating a nice meal our mood went back to normal again and we discussed when we would like to come to JB again.
  6. I went for massage and Sis went for hair coloring. In the end the hair color turned out bad and we had a mini argue/talk with the store staff.
  7. After that it was late and we rushed back to customs for clearance and omg the queue was so long as well. I have never needed to queue to clear customs back to Sg! This is a weekday, Wednesday even! I have no idea what happened that caused such an influx of people. Anyway we had to wait about 1 hour for clearance and finally arrived back in SG.
  8. It was so late that there was no more buses back and we had to call Grab home.

After this experience I can say confidently that our neighbour will never be able to surpass us financially. They are so inefficient and with such a heck-care attitude, it will be amazing if they can somehow do better than us overall. Anyway my take from this experience - I have the perfect strategy in approaching Msia customs now. I have the little strategies in my hands that can save previous queue hours. I look forward to my next JB visit :)

1 Jan 2023 (Sunday)

Happy New Year!

I feel year 2023 will be a year of change for me. My focus will on this and nothing else. Change in all areas of myself, ascetically and emotionally. 360. It will be a revolution. 

I want to love myself even more. There are times in year 2022 that I look at myself and I don’t like it. Mind you, I do not dislike myself, I just don’t feel 100%.

I will fall deeply in love in 2023. 

22 Jan 2023 (Sunday)

Happy CNY!

To be honest, I’ve never liked CNY. I hated waking early, getting into new bright colored clothes and rushing to meet with people/relatives that I don’t even know existed. But this time, I was looking forward to meeting and re-connecting with the family. I am now all dressed up and ready to go out and my parents are outside in the living now chatting and unprepared. It is already 12pm and why are we not yet headed out? :(

10 Feb 2023 (Friday)

I have a sudden strong determination to be 40kg in year 2023. I just want to feel how it would be like to be that light. Very motivated now, I shall focus on nothing but this from now.

20 Feb 2023 (Monday)

Yesterday I went rampage on my dad. He was irritating the hell out of me. It was a sudden and uncontrolled spark. Once again he has lighted the flames and ignited the bomb. I am feeling weird after all the rage and I’m starting to look at my dad differently again. I have a weird feeling inside me now, more of being sad than angry. Sad that I lost control of myself and also sad that it was my dad that made me angry.

I don't like this feeling and I hope it never repeats again.