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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I can't remember what I wanted to blog about. ShIt..
I think I am suffering from short term memory loss.

I shall blog about CHINGAY now. Chingay was fun ONLY because Jinbo, Sheryl, Bijun, Swan and Anna were there. Committee people made me pissed, especially this bitch called CINDY. Swan and I were allocated to do the shitty work (looking after the bags of the volunteers). But we took our revenge by occasionally abandoning our post and took whatever we can (lightsticks, packets of food and drinks). When we got really sick of the place, we went to sector 3 and watched the parade with the others.

When the logistics team released us, WE SCREAMED OUR WAY OUT OF THE BLOODY TENT AND RAN ALL THE WAY TO THE ROADS FOR OUR POST PARTY. It was really fun!! Atmosphere there was superb!!



Hot team Singapore gymnasts

Kwan: "OMG!!!" *drools*

Me: "Pretty white plant!"

Jin: "YEEK!!!"

Swan: "I am coming to NUS!!"

Asyraf: "The princess very pretty right?"

Our favorite

Us with the Hotties~

I love this robot.

Another robot. My brother is gonna get jealous

Us with this cool cosplayer.

Another group of cosplayers

I forgot who they are. Some hot celebrity

GOSH! I just found this photo of swan in my comp..

Now I know why my comp is crashing..


TLA no more!! Out of the love trap!!
U are so beautiful!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I am $500+ richer! :)

I freaking swam in the pool during CNY after 5-6 non-chlorinated years. I didn't plan for the day to be in the pool. But since I already took the trouble to change into my very beautiful swimsuit for the sauna, I might as well swim right? And I swam like a.... DOG. My mum was happily watching me swim like an animal. I don't think I will be swimming in another 5-6 years again.

Wanted so badly to play mahjong, but mother wouldn't allow. SHEESH! Played poker the whole day instead, without money. My family don't have the habit of gambling during CNY.

My family is having a BBQ this Saturday. I will be missing it because of Chingay. DAMMit! My parents, me and my sister went to the park yesterday at around 8-9pm to scout for a good BBQ pit. I wore my skates and had lots of injuries after that...My skates are like well HUGE( my sis m bro's feet size) so I was skating with hell on my feet for about an hour. Decided to take it off on my way home because the sides are cutting into my legs and I am real tired. My sis decided to cycle me home in her small bike. The bike was like way too small for the both of us to be comfortable so we devised a real special way of cycling. It was SO COOL! HAHA! We are always doing stupid things.

I was DEAD tired today and my lobbing sucks. SPE was fun!

Oh ya! Anyway my father was telling us that our China neighbour was freaking VACUUMING during CNY! HAHA! They are so cool.

Omg, mum nagging at me again...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I just woke up, maybe its because I slept early yesterday. Wait, didn't I slept at around 1am yesterday? Gosh, am I so money driven? Haha!

Parents gave me $100 each yesterday. I don't think that they gave us that much last year. I will tell Swan how much I got just from my parents on Wednesday and make her jealous :P (Her parents only gave her $10 last year)

I feel sorta empty, like I have something important to accomplish. I didn't felt like staying idle. So weird. Anyway I am now currently happily trying to finish watching Fate/Stay Night, The Good Witch of the West, Inuyasha, Getbackers and Suzumiya Haruhi. I have soo much time on my hands.

Feel like changing my blogskin, but I am very lazy. Forgot what I really wanted to blog about..

Jealousy or love? What is wrong with me..

Friday, February 16, 2007

Just woke up not too long about 12.30AM.

After school me, Jin, Swan, Kwan, Anna skipped Chinese and went TM for our long awaited SAKAE. The motivation in eating such expensive food was to compensate for the lonely valentine we pathetic singles had. (Swan is not single tho, but that doesn't really make a difference haha)

We went in for the buffet at 3pm sharp and stayed till 5.30pm. Me and Swan ate a disappointing 13 plates, Kwan 14.5, Jinbo 15.5 and ANNA ATE 17 PLATES!! (of course, there was also people who CHEATED by hiding their leftover rice under the plates)

Eating in Sakae was torture. All of us were dying after 30 mins and was pronounced dead after 1hr. It was hard to even move. Anyway, we promised not to torture ourselves and we will help to remind each other about the painful outing if ANNA wanted another sushi trip again.

I am going to have fun tomorrow!!!!(or rather today, cause its 1.32am now)
Too bad I don't have a camera phone. *hint hint*

Omg! You look like an angel!!
and to YOU, you look like a toad, s
o stop eying my angel

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

This is how you sing the Anna song when you see Anna approaching Alex or vice versa.

Swan: Alex is sexy, Alex is hot
Swan: Alex ~ Alex

Our class sang this song during physics make-up lesson. It was superb! Wanted to sing to for Alex but he didn't come for his class's make-up.. what a waste. Make us practice singing for nothing.

I love the anna song :P
OMG! I must go back and finish studying chemistry SPA skill A... :(

Monday, February 05, 2007

Many a times I wondered if true friends exist.

I don't make many friends, I rather concentrate my sincerity and truthfulnesses on people that are worth to be my friends. I pride friendship above all others, because I cherish my life. Friends make my world colorful and I would never forget all the beautiful memories that will forever be within me. Reminiscence of the past will always make me teary, but I know that I should be happy because something that wonderful happened in my life (although I desire so much to be back to those youthful and carefree days)

People are always not what they appear to be. I see clearly the reasoning behind every change in a person, the many different masks used for the many different occasions in their lives. It pains me so much to see them portraying what they are not and makes me wonder real hard about their true faces. Since young, I realized this painful fact, thus I never regarded anyone as my 'best friend'. They are just my friends and nothing more.

But I want to believe that there are true friends out there who really cares about my feelings. I am always 'just in the crowd', laughing and smiling behind my beautiful friends. When friendship between my friends are broken, I step in to help. Only to get them happily together and discarding me. I am always chasing behind them, chasing the friendship that I really hope existed.

Why can't they understand?? Why do YOU have to be so self-centered?? Your childishness and pride really gets on my nerve. You are not the only one entitled to anger and you can't have everything you want. Every time, we let you have it your way, because we are not as narrow minded as you are. But you really crossed the line today, I am so disappointed in you and I am not giving in to you anymore. You are always talking bad about people behind their back, but do you even realize that people are also talking the same way about you? Do you think that everyone likes you?? They are just being friendly because you are crazy. Most couldn't even care less what happens to you. Please stop all your stupid act and try to reflect on yourself. (which I think you wouldn't cause you are so full of ego). I am always talking good about you to those who complained to me, but you don't appreciate it at all. I don't want to lose a friend like you, but you are forcing me to.

I want to experience the season of sakura and alleviate my soul