Saturday, October 30, 2010
Notable things:1. I slept for 16 hours! Because of the haze? I don't know, just know that I felt really really tired. When I woke up, I didn't even realised Kpop night was already way over. I want JPOP night!! :(2. Uploaded Music Station Super Live 2008 (hope they don't take it down)...I really really want to attend MS concerts!! I want to live in Japan!!!!3. Blogging about top 10, left the guys...lazy to continue so I'll save it as draft for the time being.4. Played L4D!!! Damn shiok. Want to play AGAIN.5. Have the desire to work, feel the need to earn money. Need to earn $2500. Setting aside money for Summer School(hopefully Japan!) and lessons for JLPT3. If only neopoints and gp have a 1:1 exchange rate to SGD, then I'll be so rich.
6. NEED to lose WEIGHT. Really need to, no kidding.
7. Have a really strong desire to do something similar to what the girls did in K-ON. ^^And I hope my sister can work less hard and come home earlier. Hate seeing her come home so late everyday. Why sacrifice your youth for work??
why why tell me why
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
2010 is gonna end really soon, so I guess it's time for....
TOP 10!!!
2009's ranking: Janurary 2009 from the archive.
No. 10:
Hebe Tien
March 30, 1983
Recently bought a 4.4mil house. I want one too! :( Anyway, I shifted her down 4 ranks because I noticed that only her side-view looks good. She looks a little weird from the front, but nevertheless, she is still the hottest from S.H.E.
No. 9:
Ai Otsuka
September 9, 1982
Yes, she got married recently and gave me a shock. Hope she gives birth to a cute girl and I really hope that SU will treat her well. Well, all I can say now is - SU is a damn lucky guy!!
No. 8:
Tomiko Van
January 9, 1979
DAI revived! Guess the company realised that sales are better with her in DAI then her as a solo artist. DAI's newest single and album were pretty good, music still feels very DAI but her English still needs more improvement. She didn't really change much but somehow, she wasn't as beautiful to me as before.No. 7:
March 26, 1987
I think she really looks like Tomiko Van's younger sister or something. I saw her in Music Station a long long time ago and at that time I was like, ey new singer? Why look so depressed? No smile? Till now, I still have no impression her smiles at all. Started to think that she is really pretty only recently as I kept seeing her MVs on the ranking charts. She has the kind of pretty that makes me jealous. And knowing now that she is only 2 years older makes me really jealous. Yui, I hate you. :(No. 6:
Ryoko Hirosue
18 July 1980
Strangely, I've no idea what to type. Is this the end of my love for her?! Sobs. Maybe after I watched Departures my love will come back. If not, I think she will be out of the ranking soon...
No. 5:
Yoon Eun Hye
October 3, 1984
She is still my favorite Korean actress! I think she stands out because she doesn't have the pretty plastic face the usual Korean actresses have. Actually, I think she is more of cute then pretty. If there is a Korean version of Absolute Boyfriend, I'm sure the show will be great if she is the female lead!No. 4:
She and Cloud can become the most gorgeous couple in FF. I saw the promotional videos for FFXIII and I was totally mesmerized by her image. I really like how characters in FF always have nice flowing hair unlike other games. I want a heart-shaped face like hers! >_<
No. 3:
Lee Xin Jie
January 23, 1976
I saw her in the SKII commercial and I told my mom I'm gonna buy some SKII. Hell, she was picture perfect isn't she? Every time I see that commercial on TV, I'll kneel down and say my prayers, hoping that I can become as pretty as her. I've concluded that she is a goddess from the heavens and I think she can be a character in FF since she look so unreal.
No. 2:
Namie Amuro
September 20, 1977
Still very hot. :D Love the way she dances and she really has a very very very small face. Reminds me of a kitten's face. She is not no.1 again because I'm not envious of her beauty. I mean you won't get jealous of a kitten's cuteness right? But you can't deny how cute kittens are, so yes she is no. 2 again.
No. 1:
Juri Ueno
May 25, 1986
Woo Ueno!! I totally love her shows. She is not considered the typical kind of beauty in Japan, but I actually think that she is VERY good looking. When she was acting as Nodame she was really cute and when she acted as Ruka, I found her to be strangely handsome too. Certain actress can get me to cry when they are acting a sad part and Ueno is definitely one of them. Oh and I like her teeth cute. ^^
To be continued.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I forgot my lyrics. :(Sun Yan Zi, Angela Zhang and Lala Shu. :)I'll never underestimate any lyrics again.I'll never underestimate myself again.Gather more confidence, fighting!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wanted to blog yesterday cause it's couples in Singapore got married yesterday.Those people are gonna find it hard to celebrate their anniversaries.Notable things I did yesterday,I built a B-Daman.I drank self-made root beer float.I studied.Btw, my sis told me that this is the only month that has exactly 5 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Only happens once every 823 years.10.10.10 = die.die.die
Bless those couples.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Blood types goes like this:A + A = A or OA + B = A, B, AB or OA + O = A or OA + AB = A, B or ABB + B = B or OB + O = B or OB + AB = A, B or ABAB + AB = A, B or ABAB + O = A or BO + O = OMy father is B and my mother is BSo B + B = B or OMy brother is B.My sister is AB.I am A.Something is really wrong here.